Friday, November 23, 2012

Blame it On the Weather, Not Global Climate Change He Said

As the summer storms and debate on Global Climate Change rages on, it's amazing the sharpness of tongue. Indeed, perhaps we need to take a case study about how bent out of shape people get on either side of the debate, when it comes to online social media, blogging, and those who promote the most severe type of doom and gloom hype.

Okay so, we all know that the "climate skeptics" as they often call people like me are not going to give in to the line; "it's already been decides as fact" and those who win Nobel Prizes for Docudramas are not about to stop their drive for mass public appeal. Nevertheless, we do need to discuss these things in a way that prevents the inherent name calling challenges of Internet correspondence.

There was a great article in Physorg [dot] com recently on June 5, 2011 titled; "Researchers make major step in improving forecasts of weather extremes such as floods, droughts," by Columbia University which stated;

"Moisture and heat fluctuations from the land surface to the atmosphere form a critical nexus between surface hydrology and atmospheric processes, especially those relevant to rainfall. While current theory has suggested that soil moisture has had a positive impact on precipitation, there have been very few large-scale observations of this."

Indeed, there was also an interesting article recently in the Wall Street Journal, an editorial titled "More Weather Deaths? Wanna Bet? By Donald J. Boudreaux where he ripped the very outspoken Global Warming Blogger Bill McKibben over a piece he'd written about how there have been more weather related deaths in the last many years than before - which he attributed to global climate change. I checked it out and Mr. McKibben did state this on his blog that the Joplin MO, and Tuscaloosa, AL tornadoes were due to Global Climate Change.

Donald J. Boudreaux begs to differ and shows that actually deaths from weather related events have gone down, way down since the 1950s in the USA. Indeed, my take on this is that I am not surprised to see that global warming alarmists are still out in full-force and use every opportunity to promote their agenda; every Hurricane, Storm, Tidal Wave, or temperature variance - but I am somewhat shocked at the masses for buying into it all, as weather comes and goes - it always has and it always will. See that point? Indeed, I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.


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