Friday, November 23, 2012

Ten Offshore Outsourcing Buzz Terms

It is essential that you know the most commonly used buzz words or terms in the offshore outsourcing industry. The following is a list of ten buzz terms used in call center outsourcing:

1. Domestic or Onshore Outsourcing

Domestic or onshore outsourcing is when an organization's business process outsourcing requirements are being met by another company located in the same nation. When compared to other call center outsourcing solutions, domestic or onshore outsourcing is more costly; especially when it comes to taxes, labor costs and other business related areas.

2. Near Shore Outsourcing

This term is used when an organization is outsourcing some of its work activities to a neighbouring nation.

3. Globalization

"Globalization" is a term that gained recognition with the advent of the internet. It refers to certain types of products, service, and business that have no standardized boundaries of countries, time, or language.

4. Crowd Sourcing

This process involves inviting interested workers through an online "open call" i.e. Bidding platforms.

5. Offshore Outsourcing

As an authority on offshore outsourcing subject, I can tell you for a fact that more and more businesses (both small and large) are taking advantage of the offshore outsourcing. Offshore outsourcing is a process where work/tasks is outsourced to a destination or destinations where the manpower and labor expenses is a more affordable than near shore or onshore destinations.

6. TCO

TCO can be described as Total Cost of Ownership/Total Cost of Outsourcing from the labor costs to service fees, and from the implementation and managing of fees that call center service providers have to bear for a client's project.

7. SLA

Service Level Agreement (SLA) is an agreement that includes the terms & conditions, charges and services which call center service providers and their clients are to agree upon.

8. Virtual Call Center

Virtual call centers are call centers where all agents are situated in various locations around the world but perform their tasks as a team for an organization.

9. BPO

Business Process Outsourcing (commonly called BPO) is simply a fancy word for call center. Though, BPO can also used in a pretty wide perspective as it is divided into two groups:

• Front office outsourcing • Back office outsourcing

10. E-Outsourcing

E-outsourcing is when an organization purchases much needed information technology (IT) services and or products via the internet as an alternative to deploying its in-house source to satisfy this IT requirement.

When you contact an offshore outsourcing service provider such as 123 Employee, the aforementioned industry jargon will not seem like Greek to you.

Email Marketing Etiquette

If you're thinking of setting up an email campaign to grow a customer base, you should consider a few things first. Growing a customer list that is based on value is very important. The customers you have must value what you can offer them as must as you value them as customers. To start this process you must gain their trust and show them that you respect their privacy. Using an untargeted approach to create a customer list is definitely not the most efficient course to take.

Collecting email addresses by giving your potential customers a chance to opt-in is a good idea. Give them something of value to opt-in for by entering their email and name in a opt-in form located on one of your websites. This would be the more prudent course to take. This way the customer makes the choice. When they receive their first email, always give them the option to unsubscribe from your mailing list. For every email you send them afterwards, always give them the option to unsubscribe.

Another thing you might want to consider is keeping your emails short and to the point. People are very busy these days. If whatever point you are trying to make it to long-winded, you will lose your audience real quick. Use short concise sentences and if possible use point form. Only give your reader what is necessary and stay on subject.

Growing your email list will take time. Remember nothing good comes easy. If you take the time to grow you list properly, it will be one filled with customers who value you advice and the information you provide.

Best Regards

Turn Your Adapted PE Class Into an All-Star Show

There are plenty of ways to adapt sports for a special education class in physical education. However, simply changing the game and keeping it as real as possible can be boring in some cases. I would like to offer some tips to allow students shine by showing off skills that may not be encouraged in a day-to-day physical education.

Basketball is a very popular sport that most students know. The easiest adaption for a lesson in basketball would be to simply place hoola-hoops in the bleachers. However, working on shooting skills on a lower hoop can get old rather quickly. Why not spice things up and host a slam dunk competition? With the hoop lowered, all students will have the ability to dunk safely without needing to jump. Encourage the students to replicate their favorite basketball players and be as fancy as they like. It is very simple to have peers and teachers be the judges, rating each dunk just like in the NBA. Along with rating student's dunks, it is important to create an exciting atmosphere. Cheering and applause after each performance is crucial, let the students know what they did was amazing. Add some fun commentary, "Holy cow! Did you see that slam?! We have a regular Michael Jordan in class!" Students will feed off of this energy and really get into the game.

With a sport like basketball, there is much more that can be done to allow students show off their talents. The game of "Horse" is always a fun game that promotes creativity. Students can show off their ability to do trick shots that people may have never know could be done. Try hook shots or shooting backwards from various distances, some students may even have their own shot to show off.

Dribbling in basketball and soccer allows for a lot of fancy foot or hand work. We have all seen professionals achieve incredible things when handling a soccer ball or basketball. Granted these students are not professional athletes, we need to encourage them to try these fancy skills. Challenge students to juggle the soccer ball as many times as possible. To make this simple, use a beach ball or a balloon so students will be able to juggle for longer. After students have challenged themselves, you can turn it into a team effort. In groups, they can work together to keep the ball up for as long as possible using only their feet. Teach the students how to use their head in a game of soccer (still using a balloon or beach ball) and add that to the juggling contest. The games will be much more fun adding a little flavor with these skill challenges.

These skills may not be conventional or recommended for a class, but adapted physical education is about allowing the students to have fun with their physical activity. Showing off skills is often frowned upon in these sports, but we have to remember this is physical education. We need to promote the showmanship so students can feel like a real superstar in class, something many children dream of all their lives.

17 Deadly Mistakes That Keep You Losing At Billiards

Chances are, this is where you live in Billiards. You are just beginning and have found you enjoy the game. There is more to it than that. This is a game you can come to love, but if you don't get out of these 17 deadly mistakes...well I wouldn't recommend you buy your own cue.

These 17 deadly mistakes show up in four major areas: Vision, Preparation, Execution and Bad Habits. That's right, pull the sheet away and let's take a look at them, better still, one by one, eliminate them from your game.


Deadly Mistake #1

Thinking like a player and not like a contender.

This is not just a game like Canasta or Monopoly.

The day of the social pool player is fading. It is being supplanted by the idea of becoming a steadily learning and improving contender. This is a concept many miss completely when starting out.

You can't be absorbed with the idea if you win, you will hurt your friend who you happen to be beating. Settle on one objective, I CAME TO WIN!! This will help you focus on a single goal.

Deadly Mistake #2

You have not made a commitment to mastering the Basics of Billiards.

Let's go back to Canasta a moment: We all know how to shuffle, (well most of us do) cards; we can deal the whole deck; and we can count a hand well enough to decide how we'll play the game. We don't have to re-learn these basic every time we sit down to play.

Billiards is and should be the same when it comes to building your foundational skills.

The rock solid basics are stance, grip, bridge, stroke and aiming--we'll get into the right way in another article, right now we are trying to slip free of deadly mistakes.

Deadly Mistake #3

You are not dedicated to lifelong learning--Billiards is not a game of instant success. You will find steady improvement only comes over a period of years and much practice.


Deadly Mistake #4

You don't have a game winning strategy and don't know where to find one. Strategy is your overall approach to the game whether you play in weekly matches, leagues or tournaments. A good strategy consists of several tactics such as Safety Play, Break and Run, and pattern play.

Deadly Mistake #5

You have not taken the time to find your unique game--Look at things not instrumental to your game, positioning of your grip hand, to cup or not cup the grip wrist, maybe a new twist to the bridge. Be an early adopter of new technology like specialized eyewear. How about the new cue extensions? Practice to perfect right or left hand cue use. In fact, all attempts at becoming unique will involve a lot of practice to make it a habit.

Deadly Mistake #6

You have no confidence in your skill set--You lack consistency and find it difficult to maintain a game plan for more than two or three shots.

Deadly Mistake #7

You focus on any pocket-hugging ball on the table as the target of choice without regard to its higher purpose.

Deadly Mistake #8

You don't prepare yourself by knowing your opponent's game. Study your opponent from the chair or from the sidelines, even when you are not playing him or her.

Deadly mistake #9

You don't persist in developing a pre-shot routine that employs all the basics. This is a must for your game. It is the starting point for every shot. If you don't have one, eventually you will falter.

Deadly mistake #10

You fear rejection--The closer you get to a win, the greater your anxiety, you don't want to cause disappointment in others. If you think this isn't true, how come you have a hard time playing someone who isn't even close to your skill level?

Deadly mistake #11

You do not make runs because you have no rhythm because you have no routine because you are too easily distracted. Watch a billiards pro. You can almost set a metronome to his or her game.


Deadly mistake #12

You shoot poorly because you are trying to remember a dozen different stroke shot techniques instead of one: sinking the ball in front of you.

Deadly mistake #13

You leave the table before the balls stop rolling and have no idea why you missed.

Deadly Mistake #14

You set up your bridge over a ball with wobbly fingers and then go through an aiming routine that has your cue swinging like a searchlight.

Deadly Mistake #15

You pass on a simple rail shot in favor of a table length cut shot.


Deadly Mistake #16

You resort to the mechanical bridge when a little stretching across the table would give you a more solid base for the shot.

Deadly Mistake #17

You exhibit a negative pessimistic attitude as opposed to a positive, optimistic outlook for your game.

Safeguarding Information Security and Technology

Undoubtedly, Information technology has become increasingly important. It has become a part of the day-to-day operations of businesses, companies, government and non-government organizations. Daily living of an average individual involves computer and technology: communication, e-commerce, online banking transactions and other financial and work-related activities. Companies, entrepreneurs and small and medium enterprises have become more reliant on information systems to support and deliver diverse and complicated business processes which include accounting, inventory, marketing, payroll, research, sales tracking and even remote business operations that involve real-time surveillance.

There have been fair, satisfactory and even excellent results brought by information technology. The general public has been clinging to what one might consider as the perfect solution to an ever-increasing demand of complex processes of problem solving that delivers fast and reliant results. Indeed. But the jubilation is not absolute. As information technology has become prominent in its importance, so does the threat that comes with it. Despite the advancement of information technology, security and privacy have become an increasing pain in the ass. While superior information technology system has been built by the experts, maintaining its security has become harder for administrators and end-users. Today's users have become increasingly wider- ranging from vast majority of employees in many companies and organizations and a huge fraction of households all of which are exposed to security and privacy threats.

Majority of the security features are a hassle and awkward to use and can present a great obstacle to use in getting work done in such a desired pace. As a result, internet security measures have been bypassed, disabled or ignored too often. Subsequently, when security gets in the way of functionality, end-users tend to disable the very security features that protect them from cyber threats. The result is that they often engage in actions, consciously or unconsciously, that expose them to these cyber threats while compromising system security and exposing sensitive and confidential or personal information.

Privacy tools and software have become increasingly difficult to use. Over the course of time, as cyber threats have become increasingly vast and complex in operation, the very core of the tools that are designed to protect end-users have become user-unfriendly, difficult to understand by an average user and a bit expensive to avail. These factors have contributed greatly in the end-users decision of ignoring protection tools that puts them at risk to cyber threats.

Computer technology must be geared towards protecting its users. Privacy and security software developers must come up with a protection model and features that do not interfere with system usability. They must come up with tools that are efficient and cost-effective. Web designers and developers for banking and e-commerce must triple their standard in making these websites secure and infallible of threats.

It is of utmost importance that creators of information technology and end-users work hand in hand to protect the system that we depend on for our day-to-day cyber activities.

Faith and Fertility - Staying Whole During Fertility Challenges

Recently, I was released from the hospital after undergoing my fourth surgery to not only improve my health condition, but to hopefully restore fertility. It proved unsuccessful and my husband and I were truly devastated. Although this time my husband seemed more affected than me. He seemed so defeated and so did my long time surgeon. When my surgeon walked out of the operating room with a look of pure disappointment my husband panicked and wanted to make sure I was okay. The doctor confirmed that I was in fact okay, but his diagnosis was incorrect, and so the surgery could have possibly been postponed. This still meant no baby at this time for us. We were crushed.

The next day I was infused with pain medicine and more concern for my husband than myself. Strangely, I still felt faith and something forging me to move ahead with my next steps. As if I had madly conceived a better contingency plan just in case the surgery and procedure was inaccurate and produced no results. I was disappointed but something inside of me was unreal... I still believed in my heart that this was not the end! I would still conceive and carry my baby to full term. I cannot speak of what came over me or why I felt this way. It was a strange intuitive knowing that has yet to prove true, but even now as I write, I know it to be true, otherwise I would not be writing these very words. My husband on the other hand was worn out with all of the fertility procedures and surgeries. Every time I went under the knife he feared for my safety and hoped at the same time it would make a difference in us conceiving all in the same breath. How could I console him when I did feel disappointment, but I was not the least discouraged. Was this a form of "denial?"

One day I was home and trying to recover from my surgery when there was a 20/20 Special on television called "Extreme Parents." It was reported that a 60 year-old woman had given birth to twin boys through in-vitro fertilization, and she had another child prior to this through the same process at 53. Well-past the child-bearing years she was appearing on national TV telling the world her story. Amazing I thought! I was not in denial.

This seemed an obvious sign to me. While I was feeling somewhat down that day this brave woman appeared as a message for myself and countless of other women to remain faithful to the course. Science does not dictate what faith knows. In other words no matter what our condition may be, no matter the odds, or difficulty, if it is "Divine Will" for us to bring a child into this world with our own body then so shall it be, and by any means it may happen. This child will come with either assisted methods, natural, or a combination of both. There is no stronger faith than a mother who wants to conceive and birth a child. The key is to surround yourself with a fertility plan that includes spirituality. This is the missing link I think for many women who face fertility challenges.

As for me, I have chosen both natural and holistic methods, and I continue to work alongside my fertility specialist/gynecologist and a holistic doctor who specializes in acupuncture. I also do deep spiritual meditations, listen to a womb journey meditation I created for myself to visualize my healing and conception, I chant to call to the soul of my child -to be, and as always my husband and I pray. Keeping the faith during fertility challenges, I feel can only be consistent when a holistic plan is in place which encompasses our minds, bodies, emotions, and spirits. Unfortunately, most of the western world focuses only on the mental and physical aspects of fertility but does very little if nothing at all to address the spiritual and emotional aspects of women and men facing fertility issues.

I now understand clearly that if I had not been going to my acupuncture sessions, doing my mind-body-spirit meditations, relaxing, praying, and enjoying my husband's love and company... in no way would I have been in the spirits and the emotional condition I was after my surgery. By keeping my practices I had insured my own sanity and emotional well-being, and this is a must if one is to continue the journey of fertility challenges.

Before hand, I had already decided to take matters of my health and fertility into my own hands. This is my body, and my spirit and I could not just fork over all of me, and my resolve to my doctor's care. Taking responsibility for our health and understanding we are more than just a physical body is the first step to staying faithful during fertility challenges. We have other parts that may be starving and we are not nurturing those essential parts.

I believe many women face fertility challenges because there is often a spiritual lesson or message behind it which then eventually blocks the actual physical conception until we pay attention. It is spiritual law that states that what affects the spiritual equally affects the physical. Therefore, if there are issues of a spiritual or emotional nature which we remain unaware of it may greatly impact our fertility. For example, say a woman was a victim of any kind of sexual or emotional abuse, this woman may be hurt on a deep soul level. This may surely affect her fertility as the woman's soul is asking her to pay attention and heal herself first so that she can be the best mother possible for the child. Like it or not, aware of this or not our souls are a major part of our design as a human being. All aspects of the body are connected, our mind, body, emotion, and soul, and what affects one affects the other. So if our soul is hurt and our emotions in chaos it will often be very difficult to conceive and carry a baby term. All of our parts must work together in order for the miracle and mystery of conception to take place. If we only focus on the body we are missing three other very important aspects that can help or hinder fertility if they are not addressed. Without a holistic approach we may lose sight of our own needs and neglect aspects of ourselves that need healing before we can bring a child into the world.

Fertility in itself is a mystical experience... we create a human body, but the spirit animates this body and the child becomes a "human being" key word on being. Where do these spirits which inhabit our babies come from? The same sphere or place as our faith, which calls our babies and safely brings them to existence in the first place. The reason a mother desires her baby so much in the first place is the divine connection she shares with the spirit of the child. A connection between mother and child begins well before actual conception! From the moment your child becomes a thought in your mind a special bond, and a connection is formed. This is all the faith we need. This becomes our mantra and our drive to keep on keeping on. I want to encourage women to become aware of their emotional and spiritual needs during fertility challenges. We owe it to ourselves to explore and heal all of our parts so we can be the best mothers possible to our future children.

Blessings & Miracles,


Cancer Can be Defeated: Hope, Courage, and a Strong Willpower

Tony F. Powell is the author of a new book based on his 30 years as Bush Pilot, guide and prospector in Labrador, Canada. Tony's hobby is Snowmobile Racing on his Bombardier ski-doo since 1969. Personal ship wrecks and more including History of Labrador and Voisey's Bay Giant Nickel discovery.

Tony Powell was a winner long before he arrived with his snowmobile for the recent Race on the Rock at Marble Mountain ski resort. The Charlottetown, Labrador man has been in the fight of his life since being disonsed with cancer in January of 2004.

At the time, he was told he might only have six months to live and doctors bluntly informed him only 30% of those diagnosed with his type of cancer survive. That News worsened two weeks later when doctors told him the cancer was farther advanced than originally thought.

Powell underwent surgery and had a grapefruit-sized tumor removed from his throat and 34 lymph nodes taken out. He hasn't been able to eat solid foods since.

Still undergoing radiation treatment at the Health Science Centre, he took his wife and son to Marble Mountain in 2004, even if it was just to watch the sport he loves from a window in the lodge.

Still fighting for his life, Powell returned for the 2005 version of the Uphill Drags component. This time, however his Ski-Doo Mach Z was in the back of his pick up truck and, although his 208-pound frame had been reduced to a frailer 140 pounds, he was going to compete. And compete he did, winning the Pro-Stock category, nearly sapped the little energy he had, Powell's real dream was still to be crowned King of the Hill in the open category of the up-hill drag races against 400 of the sport's best from all over Canada and the Northeastern USA... more.

Watching cancer survivor win race was better than winning lottery, his wife says. Full story is in book.

The Man With The "Grasshopper Mind"

The title of this article also happens to be one of the "20 Greatest Headlines Ever Written."

Did you know, just changing the headline has been known to dramatically improve the effectiveness of an ad or sales letter by up to 1700 percent? Yes, headlines are that powerful--and that important!

However, over the last few years, I've noticed a proliferation of badly written--or just plain weak headlines--both online and off!

Particularly disturbing is the copycat syndrome. I can't even begin to tell you how many variations I've seen of the "Who Else" headline. For example:

"Who Else Wants To Write Great Headlines?"

By the way, the "Who Else" headline isn't new. It goes back many decades.

Here's the problem with copying a popular headline. When you have so many individuals copying a headline, it loses its effectiveness, appeal and uniqueness very quickly--especially on the Internet!

I have a much better alternative. Instead of copying someone else's headline, put in the hard work that's required and come up with your own classic headline.

Headlines that evoke some type of emotional response are the most effective and generally make more sales. Emotions motivate people into action. The stronger the emotion, the quicker the action. Therefore, headlines that make the reader excited about gaining something--or even more effective--afraid of losing something, will invariably produce the best results.

Using the proper words and phrases is critical. Below I've listed just a few of the words and phrases that, over the years, have proven to be very effective at grabbing the readers attention:

Save... Amazing... Finally... Love... Secrets Of... Announcing... Free... Luxury... Security... At Last... New... Bargains... Obsession... Breakthrough... Protect... The Truth About... Discover... How To... Rewards... Yes... Sale... You... Are You... Sex... Win... Improve... Do You...

After grabbing your readers attention, this is where you want to answer the question, "What's in it for me?" To do this, you have to know a little about your target audience. What are they interested in? What are their priorities? What makes them respond?

Craft your headlines to use words and phrases that will pique your potential buyers interest. If you are targeting people interested in starting their own home business, try phrases such as "Stay Home And Make Money" or "Kiss Your Job Goodbye Forever". If your product happens to be diet pills, try "Lose 10 Pounds In 10 Days".

A word of caution: There is a point where headlines tend to get unbelievable. Make sure that your claims are truthful and that your copy supports their truthfulness.

Once you have a firm grasp of the aforementioned basics, look around your house and select several different products, and write as many headlines as you can think of for each product.

Write variations of the same headline until you have exhausted all the ideas you can think of. This will be both frustrating and difficult at first, but it will become easier with practice. Remember, nothing worthwhile ever comes easy.

After you have your list of headlines, make sure each one passes the test for the following criteria for a good headline. 1. Does it grab the readers attention? 2. Does it answer the question, "What's in it for me?" 3. Is it truthful? If a potential headline does not meet these three criteria, rewrite it or eliminate it from your list altogether.

Continue using the process of elimination, one headline at a time, until you're left with what you feel are the three best and strongest headlines, based on the criteria presented in this article.

How will you know which headline is the best one overall?

Unfortunately, there's no way to know for sure until you test them against each other. The headline that pulls the most sales or responses is your winner!

To help you get the creative juices flowing, I've listed below my version of "The 20 Greatest Headlines Ever Written,". I've listed them in my own personal order of preference. Study them, dissect them, figure out what makes them great--then get to work writing your own. Enjoy!

"The 20 Greatest Headlines Ever Written"

1. The Man With The "Grasshopper Mind"

2. They Laughed When I Sat Down At The Piano--But When I Started To Play!

3. To People Who Want To Write--But Can't Get Started

4. Does Your Child Ever Embarrass You?

5. The Secret Of Making People Like You

6. Advice To Wives Whose Husbands Don't Save Money

7. The Child Who Won The Hearts Of All

8. How To Win Friends And Influence People

9. The Last Two Hours Are The Longest--And Those Are The Two Hours You Save

10. Do You Make These Mistakes In English?

11. Why Some Foods "Explode" In Your Stomach

12. You Can Laugh At Money Worries--If You Follow This Simple Plan

13. When Doctors "Feel Rotten," This Is What They Do

14. How I Improved My Memory In One Evening

15. Discover The Fortune That Lies Hidden In Your Salary

16. How I Made A Fortune With A Fool Idea

17. Do You Do Any Of These Ten Embarrassing Things?

18. The Crimes We Commit Against Our Stomachs

19. How To Do Wonders With A little Land

20. Who Else Wants Lighter Cake--In Half The Mixing Time?

Making Money Online Allows You To Be Your Own Boss

There are literally thousands of programs for you to choose from. However, to get started you may want to choose something that you are familiar with. This product or service may not be the hottest thing on the current market or make you a millionaire, but you will come off more confident and sincere with something you know and believe in.

Running an affiliate marketing business is hard work. You'll want to make the most of your skills and talents and that means working some very long days. Don't be fooled by affiliate marketing companies that promise the world for very little effort. You'll have to work very hard promoting the products that you decide to sell. However, if you are willing to work hard and use all of your abilities, there is no reason why your affiliate marketing home business cannot be a huge success.

Affiliate marketing is a way around the risk and startup costs. Affiliate marketing costs nothing to join and the risk is minimal. You paid according to what you produce and not according to how the company is performing. There are many wonderful affiliates programs for you to get involved with, however as with anything one needs to be cautious.

If you want to start working for yourself but feel you don't have the money then you is wrong. If you have a computer and space to put it then you has all you need. You can also start your home business and work it around your job. You can gradually commit more time as your home business grows. Finally, running this business venture from you home presents very little risk for you. You have the perfect location and you don't need to invest any of your own money. Your also not subject to work are sales targets to break even. What you produce is what you are paid for.

So if you're tired of your job and really want to work for yourself then stop making excuses and do it. Though affiliate marketing programs and selling services you will find that having your home business is easier than you think. All it takes is time and a commitment to succeed. By taking advantage of the affiliate marketing programs that are currently available, you can make money and improve your own marketing skills. Remember, you can always expand into other areas and venture out totally on your own later. Right now, get marketing and get clicking.

Blame it On the Weather, Not Global Climate Change He Said

As the summer storms and debate on Global Climate Change rages on, it's amazing the sharpness of tongue. Indeed, perhaps we need to take a case study about how bent out of shape people get on either side of the debate, when it comes to online social media, blogging, and those who promote the most severe type of doom and gloom hype.

Okay so, we all know that the "climate skeptics" as they often call people like me are not going to give in to the line; "it's already been decides as fact" and those who win Nobel Prizes for Docudramas are not about to stop their drive for mass public appeal. Nevertheless, we do need to discuss these things in a way that prevents the inherent name calling challenges of Internet correspondence.

There was a great article in Physorg [dot] com recently on June 5, 2011 titled; "Researchers make major step in improving forecasts of weather extremes such as floods, droughts," by Columbia University which stated;

"Moisture and heat fluctuations from the land surface to the atmosphere form a critical nexus between surface hydrology and atmospheric processes, especially those relevant to rainfall. While current theory has suggested that soil moisture has had a positive impact on precipitation, there have been very few large-scale observations of this."

Indeed, there was also an interesting article recently in the Wall Street Journal, an editorial titled "More Weather Deaths? Wanna Bet? By Donald J. Boudreaux where he ripped the very outspoken Global Warming Blogger Bill McKibben over a piece he'd written about how there have been more weather related deaths in the last many years than before - which he attributed to global climate change. I checked it out and Mr. McKibben did state this on his blog that the Joplin MO, and Tuscaloosa, AL tornadoes were due to Global Climate Change.

Donald J. Boudreaux begs to differ and shows that actually deaths from weather related events have gone down, way down since the 1950s in the USA. Indeed, my take on this is that I am not surprised to see that global warming alarmists are still out in full-force and use every opportunity to promote their agenda; every Hurricane, Storm, Tidal Wave, or temperature variance - but I am somewhat shocked at the masses for buying into it all, as weather comes and goes - it always has and it always will. See that point? Indeed, I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

Shopping for Visitor Health Insurance: 5 Tips to Remember

You're going on a vacation and you can't help but be excited about it. After all, it's been so long since you've taken a break from your taxing work. You haven't really had the luxury of time to relax or see new places. You've packed your bags and have everything all set. But wait, you must be forgetting one thing: the visitor health insurance!

Also called the visitor medical insurance, this type of policy provides financial protection against diseases and health problems experienced while traveling abroad. It covers all medical expenditure including doctor's fee, hospital stays, medications, therapy, emergency flight, and so on. Because you can never really know when an unfortunate event is about to strike, it would be smart to equip yourself with this type of policy to ensure that you're protected financially.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when you go shopping for visitor medical insurance.

• Contact your regular insurance agent/company. If you have existing policies on health, liability, and so on, you would want to ask your company if it offers visitor health insurance. It might be possible to extend your existing policy to cover medical expenditure abroad. This would cost you less than if you buy a new policy altogether. But just because you're getting coverage from your old insurer doesn't mean you don't have to study the policy anymore. Study it carefully to see if it covers all areas necessary. If not, check out other companies that may have better options for you.

• Shop around. If you decide to look around, be sure to do it extensively. Collect and compare several policies from different insurers. Take note not only of the prices and fees but also of the inclusions of the policy. It would be better to spend a little more on a coverage that takes care of more expenses than a cheaper one that wouldn't even pay for your hospital stays or medications.

• Consider getting insurance through your travel agent. If you have enlisted the help of a travel agency to take care of your vacation plans, then you might want to skip the shopping around and ask the agent for recommendations. Study these recommendations to see if anything suits you well. If none of these fit the bill, don't hesitate to check out other choices.

• Ask around. Aside from your travel agent, there are plenty other venues where you can get referrals. For one, you can participate in online discussion groups that talk about this topic. You'll be able to get feedback on policies and insurers that certain people have tried. It makes sense that you don't want to involve yourself with companies that are plagued with complaints and negative feedback. You can also talk about this matter to your friends, relative, co-workers, neighbors, and so on. Chances are, some of them would recommend travel insurer.

• Use online insurance comparison site. There are plenty of these types of websites that give this kind of service. You can use these services to compare coverage and costs effectively for free.

Discovery in A Million Dollar Mistake

I have noticed that though my clients often have created a plan, many do not incorporate an understanding of themselves to execute it, and so it is not adequately customized. Unleash your ultimate success by developing a strategy that seamlessly integrates self-knowledge to increase profits and personal fulfillment. Imagine the results of integrating that into your day-to-day life? Can you logically deduce the potential benefits and act accordingly?

Like me, you probably get e-mails everyday telling you about a new product that will automate cumbersome parts of your business. However, it is very easy to end up with a ton of software and books and still find yourself struggling with the same root issues.

Look, if you are going to invest in yourself or your business you must examine the big picture, not just one part of it. Acting haphazardly can actually take you farther off course, away from your true aspirations.

It's akin to getting bogged down in the details. There is a middle point between bogged down in details and skimming the surface.

I highly advocate dealing with your relationship to self as a primary objective because it has multiple benefits on nearly every level. That is the key to unleashing the secret to your success. The place to begin is developing a strategy with your requirements and objectives at the center.

You might like to know that I haven't always emphasized this relationship with self, component in my consulting practice. For a while I thought it was too personal, but time and again I saw that it was at the root of why the initial plan didn't work.

The turning point came for me after I had been consulting with a recreational vehicles parts manufacturing company. The company had earned well over $1,000,000 in profit meaning they were definitely profitable, so all seemed reasonably well. That is until I got inside.

There were a lot of communication problems, production was six months behind, what was being produced was mostly rejected work, and this contributed to issues of lacking supply inventory, nonexistent company morale...

You get the picture. After conducting my assessment, going over the production and sales logs, I made my report. Since my focus is on thought leadership and relationship marketing this was the framework in which my recommended solution was offered.

The managing director was unwilling to see the situation as a relationship that was dying and he wasn't interested in "throwing anymore money at it". Long story short, within six months half of the key staff had left and the company only had one remaining account to sustain the business, so much for another year of multi-million dollar profits.

I wondered if it would have saved the company if I had pointed out that the director was at the center of the entire fiasco, fanning the flames actually. I saw enough of his personality drama to understand the tension I sensed from everyone working with him.

This was a lesson to me about what is at stake if I pretend not see what is glaringly obvious. If the client doesn't see it, then that explains why they hire me. But what I witnessed did not ignite the joy that led me to go into this line of work.

In my life that moment indicated the need for self examination.Change management was no longer just a matter of business, it had become personal. I needed to reignite or maybe just reconnect with the source of what made my services distinctive.

For the next couple of years the focus was on following my passion - working with people I most wanted to work with rather than those best positioned to hire me. This may seem extreme to some, but it was a necessary part of my personal re-orienting process. I decided to offer my services to people who were truly in need, but unlikely to get the kind help I thought I could offer due to limitations in resources.

One of the most memorable and meaningful engagements was having the privilege of assisting women with children as they transitioned from homelessness. I became part of a mentor team - this took project and change management to another level because my heart was so engaged in the experience. This was quite different from merely managing a process. The role that was most fulfilling was acting as a personal coaching to develop some essential life and coping strategies because it became clear quickly that a little help could go along way for someone who has never been encouraged.

Out of those coaching relationships several entrepreneurs were born. Empowered to seize their destinies rather than merely being manipulated by the choices of those around them, I witnessed how the relationship with oneself can heal a life and transform an organization.

I was privileged to benefit from the experience of others and I realized how much our relationships could mean during times of uncertainty and transition. This is as true at both the personal and professional levels. However, it is impossible to make real progress with anyone that is unwilling to make the changes required to improve a situation.That was the wall I found as the source of most organizational crisis - dealing effectively with the resistance was easier said than done, making band-aid solutions very appealing in the short term.

Perhaps it easier to take the leap once one has nothing left to lose, except one's life.

It has been my honor to work with a number of talented, highly motivated and inspiring people. As we come to the end of this tête-à-tête, I encourage you to remain aware of the importance of relationships in reaching or staying on top of your game and the value in beginning with the relationship you have with yourself.

Some Valuable Tips You Should Know Before Buying Car Insurance

People today don't know much about car insurance beyond the fact that you must have your car insured. Buying a car has become an expensive affair today. This being the case, a car accident can make it worse for you. In addition to car damage, there is also third property damage and personal medical bills to consider. Having a good insurance helps you cover all these incidental expenses. Here are some tips on finding a good insurance policy.

Do Your Research

Choosing the best car insurance involves plenty of research. The first step is to list down the insurance companies present in your city. This step is followed by comparing various insurance policies offered. Nowadays, insurance companies provide product information on their websites, simplifying the process for us.

Get The Right Amount Of Coverage

To find the right auto insurance, start by figuring out the amount of coverage you need. Most insurance companies offer coverage of up to Rs. 5 lakhs while some companies offer up to Rs. 10 lakhs. One important factor you should note down is how much coverage you need. Given today's medical expenses and car repair costs, the amount of coverage you need in case of personal injury and property damage should be primarily considered. In such cases, you should ensure that the coverage is adequate.

Buying Motor Insurance In India

Car insurance, much like home or health insurance has witnessed a significant boom In India. Several dynamic insurance companies have rose to prominence by providing economic Motor insurance policies. These policies are not only cheap, but also offer a host of services and covers. Apart from hassle-free online purchase and renewal, several companies also offer services that include 24/7 roadside assistance, nil depreciation waiver and comprehensive post-accident assistance.

You must also look out for important policy information such as:

• Can the policy be purchased and renewed online? • How many people can be insured under the personal accident cover? • How many sum insured options are available? What is the maximum amount offered? • Does the policy offer miscellaneous benefits and covers? • Does the policy provide coverage for loss of personal baggage?


A complete comprehensive cover that offers both "Third Party Cover" and "Own Damage Cover"

Third Party Liability Cover - Personal Liability & Property Liability

Personal Accident Cover - for both owner - driver and passengers

Protects your vehicle from losses or damages due to accidental external means, burglary, theft and various other perils

Hints And Suggestions For Remarkable Affiliate Marketing Results

This timing is perfect. You may have a lot of questions to ask about how to set out, don't fear, we can help! The following tips will help you expand your business and reach your affiliate marketing goals.

Affiliate marketing helps many people make extra income, but it's important to know how to maximize it in order to make big money. You want your site or site to rank as highly as possible in searches. High rankings will generate more traffic, which will lead to you having better affiliate connections and increased income.

To maximize your affiliate marketing profits, you should begin with paid advertising such as Google Ads. When you buy ads and use keywords that are popular you will bring new customers to your website and also increase sales.

People are inclined to ignore banner ads. But if you place a quiz or contest on your banner ad, curiosity about the answer may bring the reader to your site. A lot of viewers who would not otherwise click on an ad will be enticed by the question. You can encourage participation by giving discounts for winning answers.

You should pay close attention to social websites for your affiliate marketing, just like Google does. Google logs sites and produces its search results while paying attention to social media. In today's world Twitter and Facebook are sites linked to every other page as you can add comments your retweet information.

While tracking statistics for your affiliate programs, make sure you pay attention to how a particular link performs based on its location. Put the link where it works best for you on your page. Use the same copy but rearrange it so the only change is literally where the link sits within the content.

Use less-obvious ways of linking to affiliates. Certain methods give you the ability to permeate your text using links to the affiliates without these links being obvious. You should use these tips, but let your readers know about it. Inform your visitors where these links lead to so that your visitors will not be caught off-guard.

Text services can be very helpful in affiliate marketing. This service is fairly new, but is already being employed by large numbers of affiliates.

Remember that with affiliate marketing lifetime commissions are very rare. Lifetime income streams are pure gold, however, so you should still spend some time searching for them. Vendors give webmasters a monetary amount for each product bought by a customers that the webmaster referred to the vendor. Usually, the customer needs to buy within a few days of clicking the link for the affiliate to get paid. This is why they are worth seeking out.

After reading this article, you should feel more prepared to tackle affiliate marketing. When you enter the affiliate marketing arena with an arsenal of advice, you are already on your way to success. Get started today with your affiliate marketing website, and use the tips and advice you received in this article.

The Best Historical Cities to Visit on Your Mediterranean Cruise

In terms of finding the most relaxing holiday, there is no finer experience than a cruise, boarding a luxurious vessel which will take you to a selection of the most beautiful cities in the world. Cruises allow you to release yourself from the shackles of everyday life, leaving the only thing for you to worry about being what you plan to eat during dinner. The Mediterranean is continuing to grow as a popular cruise destination and, with a fascinating array of areas to explore, it should come as no surprise. Here are just some of the areas you can discover during your cruise:

Alexandria, Egypt

We begin in Egypt in the city named after its namesake, Alexander the Great, after he founded it back in 332 BC. During its lengthy history, the city has been the home to a series of famous faces, including the likes of Julius Caesar, Cleopatra, Mark Anthony and Euclid. Today, Alexandria offers a bustling city with an incredibly rich history while still retaining a distinctly Mediterranean feel. If you get the chance to stop here on your cruise, be sure to explore the fascinating historical references the city holds.

Kusadasi, Turkey

Kusadasi is another city steeped in history, playing host to the famed religious city of Ephesus. Originally built in the 11 Century BC, the city is considered one of the finest reconstructed cities. With John the Apostle, the Virgin Mary and Cleopatra just some of those mentioned in the history of the city, it once again promises to be one of the most insightful stops on your Mediterranean cruise. While you're there, be sure to travel through the Magnesia Gate and discover the beautiful temples, porticoes and fountains still present within Ephesus.

Limassol, Cyprus

Finally, we have Limassol, the second largest city in Cyprus which boasts a historical reference dating right back to the Byzantines. While the city and its surrounds are now more famous for the beautiful wines produced as well as its highly regarded wine festival in September, a visit to Limassol is not complete without discovering its medieval castle, built by the Byzantines in 1000AD. On the same grounds is a chapel made famous for being the rumoured destination of the marriage of Richard the Lionheart in 1991 where he was joined in matrimony with Princess Berengia of Navarre.

There are just three incredible cities you can discover on your cruise. Why not book your cruise holiday today and discover just why the Mediterranean proves so popular year after year.

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